Friday, September 28, 2018

Ep 18 Vagina Joke Wednesdays

I skipped another week and am a day late

Will this pattern continue?

Hopefully only under extreme cases of procrasterbation.

Had a mighty fun show Wednesday but forego that to talk about jerking off for 15 minutes (the topic of masturbation was talked about for 15 minutes, not the other way that sentence can go).

I had a weird nondate and no body died! Win-freaking-win

Another one to add to the evidence file

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Ep 17 Gilly and Kidu


Wednesday shows are still going strong.
Fighting on my phone and Facebook is still going strong

I forgot to mention the Alt Right Comic I was trolling, Jaron Stewart. He is a trip. Someone should hug that son of a bitch.

History class is actually helping fill great time on here!

Another one to add to the evidence file

Friday, September 7, 2018

Ep 16 Take The Money You Joke Ho

I pole danced a teeny tiny bit.
I produced an open mic with too much money of my moneys.

I continue to achieve my goal of staying single for a year.

I forgot to sing on this one.
I learned that song from Hello Dolly for fucking nothing.

Another one to add to the evidence file