Saturday, February 9, 2008


The Observer, from time to time, has awesome titles for their articles.

Why is it (I'm about to go into Andy Rooney an y'all's asses) that sooo many paintings and pictures are called 'Untitled'. That seriously maddens me up.
"You have snap-shot of trees in the autumn, what are you calling it?"
"I don't know....(burp)...a plbBBBucking don't car."
"'Don't car'? Have you been drinking Ronald?"
"A lot....(fart noise)."

A title is part of the attraction to a presentation. Without a title...well I guess it's better than a crappy nondescript title (I'm looking at you "Definately, Maybe", "Something's Gotta Give", and every romantic comedy made for the past ten years). Not having a title says you didn't think it mattered, that you want someone to judge your work on the visual merits and not some snotty ,snazzy, frazzy title, or that you really never gave it a thought. Next time, I'm going to title it for you, from a hat.
"It's a row of roses growing in a garden! What's it called?"
"'Daniel Buys a Ballon For His Boyz'. Suck on that all other paintings."

Self-portraits need to listen up as well.

Next time: On Bloggin' With Dre-Dre

-Movie scenes that make Dre-Dre's face tingle-tingle all over.
Newsflash: David Cross is really funny.

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