Friday, June 6, 2008

Peter Capp is Batroc ze Leaper

I was doing my Peter Capp voice when I was driving my way to the car shop (I practice voices when I drive by myself...huh...hadn't thought about the reprecussions of THAT act) and I remember Ed Brubaker (current award-winning writer for Captain America) making a comment in an interview that went to the affect of "I would love to put Batroc the Leaper in there but I can't write in a French accent accurately." This got me mad. How come Brubaker doesn't just force the accent? I want Batroc ze Leaper so badly in a Brubaker comicbook (especially after reading the Immortal Iron Fist: the Last Iron Fist Story Hardcover) cause Batroc is a nonsensical, formidable, mustachioed, madman who speaks with French phrases that sound like gibberish if translated. He's like a French Deadpool, except for the healing factor and weapons and ductape.

From his wikipedia article under Quotes:

Batroc uses many French terms which may strike even the American reader who makes up most of Marvel's audience as stereotypical; a native speaker of French may find Batroc's dialogue not only stereotypical but hilariously badly translated: "Zut alors!" (Batroc uses this term even in a totally inappropriate context) "Sacre Bleu!" (An expression spelled as one word in French.) "Alas, you are too sensitive, mon cher! But, c'est la vie!" "Nom du chien! Your insolence is insupportable-- insufferable!! For zat you shall pay un mille fois!" (Batroc should say "Nom d'un chien" and he shouldn't use the "un" for "mille fois") "Is it not très formidable!" (Andre: "It is not very tough!" Sure it makes sense here but in French to say something isn't something you have to say it with a "ne pas" around the verb. Without it the phrase "trés formidable" means: you/it are/is very tough! So it sounds like this to me: "It is not-YOU'RE VERY TOUGH!" "Ah, mon pauvre petit!" (Andre again: he basically called Captain America his daughter) Batroc inserts so much mangled French terminology into his speech, that Captain America once asked him "Who gave you your English lessons, Doctor Doom?"

Back in my car, I suddenly start cackling in the Peter Capp I-am-not-from-this-country-voice that "I AM BATROC! ZE LEEPERR!" It goes down hill from there (depending on which direction I was driving I could have easily gone uphill. Well, that joke sucked)

That is all.


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