Thursday, September 25, 2008



My mom was a studious person in her freshman year in college. So studious in fact that she would often not leave her dorm but to go to classes. Her roommate was of the same creed and remained on their placid island of outside ignorance. Some friends of my mom disliked this attitude and would encourage other aspirations. They continued to this until one fateful day mother and her roommate

Couldn’t wait to be out at 12:00

She and her roommate stayed in the room all the first week.

Got persuaded to go to a Club called the “Cornpatch” (because it was housed in a corn field)

They were promised some incredible root beers (my mom at this age had not had the pleasure of a roootbeer maybe once before and I’m guessing her roommate was as frequent an enjoyer.

It began to get late (after 12:00) and they still didn’t have their rootbeers.

A fight started.

A woman believed the club to house “college womens” that were staelling her boyfriend away from her.

She had a knife and was parading around rather proudly with it.

My mom and her roommate hid under the table…to continue waiting for their rootbeers.

(This blog is being abused by my school at times) D:

Okay, same thing happens again (they are persuaded that that incident was a freak accident coinceedence) when they go back.

Except this time the jealous women has a gun…and they are waiting on a chicken sandwhich (explained to me always and emphatically as a “chicken sammich’” (even corrected sometimes so that the phrase is said)

My granddad and her father always said not to go out after midnight. Cause only the devil is awake at that time.

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