Necessary shots:
1 Tony and Tiff are out side Tiff's apartment Tony's bags can be seen
2 Tiff heads back in. Tony is left outside trying to give chase
3 Tony gets hits in the face with something
4 We see it's a shirt in a closeup
5 He's alone now with his boxes
6 We're in a house with Tony and his boxes
7 A look of disappointment from Tony at the current perdicament
8 He looks through his things and finds a picture
9 It's of Tiff and Tony together but in the picture there is some distance between them. They are on a bench
10 Tony sets up the picture frame in the center-front of a shelf with his stuff on it.
11 He tries calling her
12 Trying to move on he gets some new chairs
13 Tony's room starts to look nice
14 It becomes very messy
15 So does Tony
16 He's not focused on the photograph
17 Tony seems to be followed around the small room by this photograph
18 Tony comes back to the photo
19 He changes his look to become more appealing for his ex
20 He tries to call her on his way to her apartment but no answer
21 The door to her apartment is taped off and says "Gas Leak?/For Sale?/Abandoned?"
22 HE looks at the picture for guidance
23 Goes to where the picture was taken and finds her
24 About to go over to her
25 But a handsome guy steps behind Tiff
26 And kisses her on the head
27 Tony is having a Blue Screen of Death
28 The Tiff and New Boy Couple are even asking a walker by for a picture of the spot
29 Tony leaves moving very robotically and methodically
30 Tiff looks at the photo they just made and has a moment of sadness and regret
31 Tony is back at his worn out home. Staring at something
32 We pull back and reveal that it's the framed photograph
33 He walks toward it as if he's hypnotized
34 He picks it up
35 The photo has now changed with Tony And Tiff sitting closer together. Tony looks content
Friday, July 31, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
A little 4th of July quote for the occasion
- Man On Stoop: I’m sayin’, every Friday night in an alley behind the Cut Rate, we rollin’ bones, you know? I mean all them boys, we roll til late.
- McNulty: Alley crap game, right?
- Man On Stoop: Like every time, Snot, he’d fade a few shooters, play it out til the pot’s deep. Snatch and run.
- McNulty: What, every time?
- Man On Stoop: Couldn’t help hisself.
- McNulty: Let me understand. Every Friday night, you and your boys are shootin’ craps, right? And every Friday night, your pal Snot Boogie… he’d wait til there’s cash on the ground and he’d grab it and run away? You let him do that?
- Man On Stoop: We’d catch him and beat his ass but ain’t nobody ever go past that.
- McNulty: I gotta ask ya: If every time Snotboogie would grab the money and run away, why'd you even let him in the game?
- Man On Stoop: What?
- McNulty: If Snotboogie always stole the money, why'd you let him play?
- Man On Stoop: Got to. This America, man.
Friday, July 3, 2009
The future is so bright, it looks like the after flash of a hydrogen bomb.
NFI is starting classes Monday. They don't have many people in those classrooms. About four students at one time. The Nashville Film Institute will have one more student to add to its roster. One who mugged his way through a high school performance of "Guys and Dolls" as Lieutenant Brannigan. One who blogs about said experience AND TAKES FROM 10pm TO 8:17am TO WRITE A DAGGUM POST. SCIENCE H. LOGIC, THE INTERNET IS AN EVERPLEASING WHORE.
(Just look they were playing Outlaw Star and now they're giving me this Canadian show ReBoot)
Well I do want to become a better writer so my task today is to read. And not read comicbooks, (d'oh! My foolproof plan to read 15 comics sequentially at Borders is ruined!) but hardback ones. I'm talking about those clunky motherfuckers. The kind of books that could replace the yellow pages as the choice of torture weapon in a police station's interrogation room. The kind of book OLD people used to, and still can, read. The kind of book Oprah masterbates to. THAT book.
Well, not THAT book but I found one that has just as much width (mix that medium of measurement with that Oprah comment and a funny little picture will creep into your mind) as the dreaded book club book without the sass you intake from discussing it with friends and strangers at the mall. I'm talking about (has to look for the book to find the title) "Edgeworks 3 by Harlan Ellison". Yes, that Harlan Ellison. One of the most prolific, celebrated science fiction writers of the last 100 years. I knew a lot about him from Patton Oswalts pervasive rants. His name would fall out of Oswalt's mouth more than a few times. What struck me is how hard it was to actually find some stuff of his at a bookstore. Borders, Barnes & Nobles and Davis Kidd were bone dry of the stuff. It was only at libraries and the cartoonishly volumed Bookman & Bookwoman that I would find one book of his. Each time, a different one.
My local library had a Graphic Novel (SQUEEEEEEE) collection of some of his short stories with him walking in-between stories like a cross between Alfred Hitchcock, the Crpyt Keeper, and Robert Duvall (it fits. IT FITS I TELL YOU!).
My distant library in downtown Nashville had I believe one or was that Warren Ellis' "Crooked Little Vein" that I was so distracted by it opened up a portal in time for a samurai to pop out of. I named the samurai "Jack" for he had no name and I am black. I am black and call those who are unfamiliar to me "Jack" so as to label them in some fashion and keep a sense of civility up in the air.
I forget what book they had of his at Bookmanwoman but it wasn't the usually collection of short stories. When I have $8, I must remember to pay them a vis.
Most recently, my local classy library (it has glass ceilings and places to put your fedora and coat everything) perhaps listened to my written requests for A. The Wire in the DVD section (You have "Boys Don't Cry" the collectors edition and the latest season of "Cory In the House" and "Desperate Housewives" but no seasons of "the best show on television" by TIME magazine, Entertainment Weekly, The Chicago Tribune, Slate Mag, the San Francisco Chronicle, The Philadelphia Daily News, and the Gaurdian.
Go out and buy this is what I'm trying to convey here.
OH WAIT I'M SUPPOSE TO BE READING BOOKS. So yeah, I see two Harlan Ellison books. I grab the one that has "Harlan Ellison's Movie" as one of the stories. It was due yesterday afternoon before 5:30pm. I showed up to the library around 7:15pm, knockin' on doors and the like. I posted up in the parkin' lot with my trunk playing "Dr. Feelgood" and me reading the first 3 or 4 pages. Shit was so cash.
Hmm, it seems I have delinated my vocabulary onto an 4chan meme without any thought of it.
(Just look they were playing Outlaw Star and now they're giving me this Canadian show ReBoot)
Well I do want to become a better writer so my task today is to read. And not read comicbooks, (d'oh! My foolproof plan to read 15 comics sequentially at Borders is ruined!) but hardback ones. I'm talking about those clunky motherfuckers. The kind of books that could replace the yellow pages as the choice of torture weapon in a police station's interrogation room. The kind of book OLD people used to, and still can, read. The kind of book Oprah masterbates to. THAT book.
Well, not THAT book but I found one that has just as much width (mix that medium of measurement with that Oprah comment and a funny little picture will creep into your mind) as the dreaded book club book without the sass you intake from discussing it with friends and strangers at the mall. I'm talking about (has to look for the book to find the title) "Edgeworks 3 by Harlan Ellison". Yes, that Harlan Ellison. One of the most prolific, celebrated science fiction writers of the last 100 years. I knew a lot about him from Patton Oswalts pervasive rants. His name would fall out of Oswalt's mouth more than a few times. What struck me is how hard it was to actually find some stuff of his at a bookstore. Borders, Barnes & Nobles and Davis Kidd were bone dry of the stuff. It was only at libraries and the cartoonishly volumed Bookman & Bookwoman that I would find one book of his. Each time, a different one.
My local library had a Graphic Novel (SQUEEEEEEE) collection of some of his short stories with him walking in-between stories like a cross between Alfred Hitchcock, the Crpyt Keeper, and Robert Duvall (it fits. IT FITS I TELL YOU!).
My distant library in downtown Nashville had I believe one or was that Warren Ellis' "Crooked Little Vein" that I was so distracted by it opened up a portal in time for a samurai to pop out of. I named the samurai "Jack" for he had no name and I am black. I am black and call those who are unfamiliar to me "Jack" so as to label them in some fashion and keep a sense of civility up in the air.
I forget what book they had of his at Bookmanwoman but it wasn't the usually collection of short stories. When I have $8, I must remember to pay them a vis.
Most recently, my local classy library (it has glass ceilings and places to put your fedora and coat everything) perhaps listened to my written requests for A. The Wire in the DVD section (You have "Boys Don't Cry" the collectors edition and the latest season of "Cory In the House" and "Desperate Housewives" but no seasons of "the best show on television" by TIME magazine, Entertainment Weekly, The Chicago Tribune, Slate Mag, the San Francisco Chronicle, The Philadelphia Daily News, and the Gaurdian.

OH WAIT I'M SUPPOSE TO BE READING BOOKS. So yeah, I see two Harlan Ellison books. I grab the one that has "Harlan Ellison's Movie" as one of the stories. It was due yesterday afternoon before 5:30pm. I showed up to the library around 7:15pm, knockin' on doors and the like. I posted up in the parkin' lot with my trunk playing "Dr. Feelgood" and me reading the first 3 or 4 pages. Shit was so cash.
Hmm, it seems I have delinated my vocabulary onto an 4chan meme without any thought of it.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Beatles fans and cartoon/animation fans unite!
I want an 45 minute to 90 minute film of this and things that haven't broached the walls of my imagination just yet. I would love it.
Really any bad with a large discography and interesting history would make a cool cinematic but the Beatles...these guys at Harmonix brought their A-game.
Question: Does Michael Jackson still own the rights to the Beatles? Or has that passed back into the living remaining band members' hands? TO WIKIPEDIA! AND BEYOND!
I need to sponge out some Bibleman stories but my, suffice to say, sucks. I need distractions that help my imaginations or none at all and get such into the vacuum of apathy.
I have 12 hours left to write.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Being in a descructive environment makes for good writing later
Very nice day today. Met some very clandestine folks who don't know me at all but wanted to spend a couple minutes talking to me about [Pause Randy Newman's newish song A Few Words in Defense of Our Country is playing. Right now on Bonnaroo Radio. Me likey. unPause] student filmmakers and documentaries they were doing and are interested in. I actually had a couple of moments of clairvoyant thought and used it to ask 3 good questions and 5 date-type questions.
Nothing gained, nothing ventured. Or did I mean the reverse. It's kinda late and I 'm supposed to be playing video games and watching the Wire Season 1 Disc 2 now before I attribute some late fees. Oh and my mom has cancer.
I haven't told everyone and everybody. I usually don't do that anyways for anything at anytime in my life prior. But at some point, the folks who were going to notice this have already noticed many redflags and the folks who aren't quick on the uptake probably should start guessing by now. How long can you go not seeing someone who is a staple at our church like my mother is without coming to some sort of deadly conclusions?
I take her to the hospital tomorrow. Like I have for, what it seems like, every week and used to be every month. Phone calls and contractors at the house have started to fall in my purview and control. I must drive her after chemo treatments. She is to godawful "tired" to anything but lay in bed and watch The Girls Next Door (fgsfds).
I need some good uplifting comicbooks or just plain good stories to read but money's short and's short. I gotta roll with what I got. Which is great. It's just that I seem to be only satisfied with the collecting and not the using for fun aspects of buying (damn these genes!).
Movie idea: Somehow use the song Blue Collar Man by STYX in a movie. That is all.
Oh and my Dexter with music idea is forming into something cohesive in my brain. Now to ACTUALLY FUCKING WRITE THE THING...THIS WEEK...AFTER SCRUBS...AND BATMAN: THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD MUSICAL EPISODE. THAT WILL TOTALLY HELP.
(Update: Oh I visited The Art Institute of Nashville Art if you couldn't tell, don'tchaknow)
Nothing gained, nothing ventured. Or did I mean the reverse. It's kinda late and I 'm supposed to be playing video games and watching the Wire Season 1 Disc 2 now before I attribute some late fees. Oh and my mom has cancer.
I haven't told everyone and everybody. I usually don't do that anyways for anything at anytime in my life prior. But at some point, the folks who were going to notice this have already noticed many redflags and the folks who aren't quick on the uptake probably should start guessing by now. How long can you go not seeing someone who is a staple at our church like my mother is without coming to some sort of deadly conclusions?
I take her to the hospital tomorrow. Like I have for, what it seems like, every week and used to be every month. Phone calls and contractors at the house have started to fall in my purview and control. I must drive her after chemo treatments. She is to godawful "tired" to anything but lay in bed and watch The Girls Next Door (fgsfds).
I need some good uplifting comicbooks or just plain good stories to read but money's short and's short. I gotta roll with what I got. Which is great. It's just that I seem to be only satisfied with the collecting and not the using for fun aspects of buying (damn these genes!).
Movie idea: Somehow use the song Blue Collar Man by STYX in a movie. That is all.
Oh and my Dexter with music idea is forming into something cohesive in my brain. Now to ACTUALLY FUCKING WRITE THE THING...THIS WEEK...AFTER SCRUBS...AND BATMAN: THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD MUSICAL EPISODE. THAT WILL TOTALLY HELP.
(Update: Oh I visited The Art Institute of Nashville Art if you couldn't tell, don'tchaknow)
Monday, May 18, 2009
Reading children's books CAN be fun. But that doesn't mean it WILL be fun
A sign at my ole school’s library says “Once you learn to read, you will forever be free.” That’s cute and pretty awesome at the same time.
This book I’m studying Geronimo Stilton: The Phantom Of The Subway has the opening:
“I woke up with a start.
Pheew, It was only a dream! That’s right. I was safe and sound in my bed. My ears weren’t RINGING. But the phone was. I picked it up.
“Hello, Geronimo Stilton squeaking.”
I f'ing laughed, hard, at that last line. It took me for a complete spin. Now I know I’m in for a good read for the next ten minutes before the library kicks me out for making too much noise/gurgling sounds.
This book I’m studying Geronimo Stilton: The Phantom Of The Subway has the opening:
“I woke up with a start.
Pheew, It was only a dream! That’s right. I was safe and sound in my bed. My ears weren’t RINGING. But the phone was. I picked it up.
“Hello, Geronimo Stilton squeaking.”
I f'ing laughed, hard, at that last line. It took me for a complete spin. Now I know I’m in for a good read for the next ten minutes before the library kicks me out for making too much noise/gurgling sounds.
I WROTE SOMETHING (now what do I do?)
[This is an idea I have for an episode of Bibleman. This some of what I have written]
Life's Constant Barrage
This is about fear.
A teacher is using the unconditional stimulus (UCS) method to create a natural, unconditional response (UCR), fear of Christians and Christianity. As far as I know this kind of conditioning works on children who are less than a year old by placing the object they are suppose to fear in front of them, lets say a cross, and illiciting an ill reaction whenever that object is around, for example: a clanging of a metal bar with a hammer close to the child. This natural needs to be put to a stop, hence Bibleman's intervention.
Fight Scene-wise:
Has indotrinated students as far back as the 80s and 70s. So now they are fully formed warriors of fear for him to utilize against Bibleman. A Juliard-esque graduate with the best fencing capabilities of her class who can out fight Bibleman and his crew in a swordmatch. (BM uses verses about overcoming fear to either persuade them, weaken them, and in some cases distract them from fighting) She has students herself who she castisizes in front of BM and while they fight. ("Quit pretending to be Errol Flynn and aim for HIM not his SWORD!")
That may cover it, but just for the heck of it some throwaway ideas:
He has various sports teams of fighting squads under his wings (of fear). Such as
Wrestlers, Basketballers, Lacross-ers, Equestrians, Rugby players (exchange students from England)
He doesn't fight himself. He’s like the Emperor in Star Wars (Think Empire Strikes back and strike everything else out of memory).
He’s hard to defeat and confront seeing as he has been planning from the 1970s to meet his goals.
His alter-ego is a likable history teacher with few misgivings.
His appearance as a teacher is drastically different to the appearance he has as an evil mastermind. (which should lead to him having a shape shifting device of sorts, maybe one of the appearances is how he wished he looked and one is what he has been stuck with. Not sure which way to go there. It would be more interesting, and very Norman Osborn-y, for the teacher mask to be his real face and the supervillian mask to be the one only HE acknowledges as his true face.
Has many agents of fear. They could be anyone and everywhere…even unbeknownst to themselves. Oooooo, maybe it’s one of Bibleman’s squad! Too soon to tell though.
Opens with a flashback.
A child is scared. Screaming. Attempting to hide in an enclosed black room. His greatest fear is on the other side of the room: a small somewhat ornate wooden cross with a figure of a child kneeling, eyes closed, with a chalice in his hand. A comforting voice is heard telling the child to “Don’t be afraid. Papa’s here.”
The Story, proper, ensues with Bibleman and the crew going through their usual motions of modus operandi with a villain from their rogues gallery.
Life's Constant Barrage
This is about fear.
A teacher is using the unconditional stimulus (UCS) method to create a natural, unconditional response (UCR), fear of Christians and Christianity. As far as I know this kind of conditioning works on children who are less than a year old by placing the object they are suppose to fear in front of them, lets say a cross, and illiciting an ill reaction whenever that object is around, for example: a clanging of a metal bar with a hammer close to the child. This natural needs to be put to a stop, hence Bibleman's intervention.
Fight Scene-wise:
Has indotrinated students as far back as the 80s and 70s. So now they are fully formed warriors of fear for him to utilize against Bibleman. A Juliard-esque graduate with the best fencing capabilities of her class who can out fight Bibleman and his crew in a swordmatch. (BM uses verses about overcoming fear to either persuade them, weaken them, and in some cases distract them from fighting) She has students herself who she castisizes in front of BM and while they fight. ("Quit pretending to be Errol Flynn and aim for HIM not his SWORD!")
That may cover it, but just for the heck of it some throwaway ideas:
He has various sports teams of fighting squads under his wings (of fear). Such as
Wrestlers, Basketballers, Lacross-ers, Equestrians, Rugby players (exchange students from England)
He doesn't fight himself. He’s like the Emperor in Star Wars (Think Empire Strikes back and strike everything else out of memory).
He’s hard to defeat and confront seeing as he has been planning from the 1970s to meet his goals.
His alter-ego is a likable history teacher with few misgivings.
His appearance as a teacher is drastically different to the appearance he has as an evil mastermind. (which should lead to him having a shape shifting device of sorts, maybe one of the appearances is how he wished he looked and one is what he has been stuck with. Not sure which way to go there. It would be more interesting, and very Norman Osborn-y, for the teacher mask to be his real face and the supervillian mask to be the one only HE acknowledges as his true face.
Has many agents of fear. They could be anyone and everywhere…even unbeknownst to themselves. Oooooo, maybe it’s one of Bibleman’s squad! Too soon to tell though.
Opens with a flashback.
A child is scared. Screaming. Attempting to hide in an enclosed black room. His greatest fear is on the other side of the room: a small somewhat ornate wooden cross with a figure of a child kneeling, eyes closed, with a chalice in his hand. A comforting voice is heard telling the child to “Don’t be afraid. Papa’s here.”
The Story, proper, ensues with Bibleman and the crew going through their usual motions of modus operandi with a villain from their rogues gallery.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Have heard of the Benjiman? No. Well, that's fine.
I wish I was recording this conversation I'm having with Benji.
Benji is my cousin. He doesn't have a job right now. But he's a stand-up comedian so can you blame him?
He's big in Palaskey...Palassky...P-Town, Tennessee ( a border-town between Tennessee and Alabama), apparently, and has a youtube video (jeez who doesn't?).
We're talking.
I'm talking about my point of view of stand-up (or more precisely Patton Oswalt's and mine).
Benji mentions how some audience (namely the KKK) probably wouldn't like his riffs and stories.
Benji didn't say that...maybe.
Benji says how he feels confident in his abilities in everyway. He says he's "deep with my comedy". He's funny now.
Now he's not.
Dammit Benji. No one wants to hear about girlfriend-sex from you!
Benji is my cousin. He doesn't have a job right now. But he's a stand-up comedian so can you blame him?
He's big in Palaskey...Palassky...P-Town, Tennessee ( a border-town between Tennessee and Alabama), apparently, and has a youtube video (jeez who doesn't?).
We're talking.
I'm talking about my point of view of stand-up (or more precisely Patton Oswalt's and mine).
Benji mentions how some audience (namely the KKK) probably wouldn't like his riffs and stories.
Benji didn't say that...maybe.
Benji says how he feels confident in his abilities in everyway. He says he's "deep with my comedy". He's funny now.
Now he's not.
Dammit Benji. No one wants to hear about girlfriend-sex from you!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
GI Joe Resolute: Going back to highschool (the cool way): Pride Prejudice by Marvel Comics
I shouldn't be the one to tell you to check this shit out by now:
It slices, dices, and blows up Moscow by the 4 minute mark.
I think this is a good idea.
Going to my old school and ask the teachers what books the kids (like first through fifth grade) are reading. Avert them from reading League of Gentlemen (unless we're talking about some really austere motherfucking 1st grader) or anything with a cute cover but has rape, incest mutilation, and a scene of two consenting adults having sex...while floating above their bed...and one of them is naked (the girl in this case. The guy is just humpin' air). A comprehensive list made by the DON'T CLICK THAT generation over at tvtropes should help me with this:
Pride & Prejudice...
I heard Patton Oswalt was buying this and gave it a shot. An adaption of the Jane Austin novel, it is really ...interesting so far. I need to read Pride&Prejudice the book someday as well as this comic later today. I guess it helps with learning how woman converse and interact but I would benefit with a few days with my Aunts in Atlanta or just some of the girls I still have cell numbers to. OH THAT'S GOING TO BE A BAD IDEA.
Writing a show aimed for children is not my ideal situation but I'll write whatever comes to mind.
Some knowledge from the High School Dir. at USN, Mr. Robbins:
Even if they don't get the show or the script you write is destroyed by executives, the critical words I get about the script I write well be extremely advantagious to me growing as a writer.
As a Wolverine fan I'm stoked for this recentmovie with him cutting lose on choppers and whatnot. As a Cyclops fan... words fail to describe my excitement in seeing a Scott Summers appearance.
It slices, dices, and blows up Moscow by the 4 minute mark.
I think this is a good idea.
Going to my old school and ask the teachers what books the kids (like first through fifth grade) are reading. Avert them from reading League of Gentlemen (unless we're talking about some really austere motherfucking 1st grader) or anything with a cute cover but has rape, incest mutilation, and a scene of two consenting adults having sex...while floating above their bed...and one of them is naked (the girl in this case. The guy is just humpin' air). A comprehensive list made by the DON'T CLICK THAT generation over at tvtropes should help me with this:
Pride & Prejudice...
I heard Patton Oswalt was buying this and gave it a shot. An adaption of the Jane Austin novel, it is really ...interesting so far. I need to read Pride&Prejudice the book someday as well as this comic later today. I guess it helps with learning how woman converse and interact but I would benefit with a few days with my Aunts in Atlanta or just some of the girls I still have cell numbers to. OH THAT'S GOING TO BE A BAD IDEA.
Writing a show aimed for children is not my ideal situation but I'll write whatever comes to mind.
Some knowledge from the High School Dir. at USN, Mr. Robbins:
Even if they don't get the show or the script you write is destroyed by executives, the critical words I get about the script I write well be extremely advantagious to me growing as a writer.
As a Wolverine fan I'm stoked for this recentmovie with him cutting lose on choppers and whatnot. As a Cyclops fan... words fail to describe my excitement in seeing a Scott Summers appearance.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Facebooks sucks; nothing has just changed
The reason facebook sucks is not the arbitrary friends you collect because Myspace and all other sites like it have that issue.
It's not it's design, which was at first basic and self-restrained. Has become malleable and complex (not quite as user friendly as they probably hoped it would be though). Not exactly a bad thing really.
I hate you facebook for making me think I can talk to my friends on the fly. I expect responsiveness akin to a chatroom or forum. I end up checking up on all updates and just sitting there waiting for responses. My wait made as well come in the form of sleep because only a handful will respond within a minute or 30 minute frame. And then I have to find where the update is. Photos? Groups? Some new game of vampires or Harry Potter that I don't have the patience to play? (The notifications have cleared this discrepancy up as of late)
I have the blog that I update so rarely, I have the twitter to keep up with the manic thoughts of Warren Ellis, and I have 456 unread e-mail messages. Keeping my facebook is more of a burden than ever.
I want to be a solid writer and facebook does not help in that respect as much as the rest do.
I did the 40th annual(? I don't know. it could be bi-annual) Dove Awards (think contemporary gospel awards show) for the Gospel Channel at the Grand Ole Opry. That was sweeeeeet and X-TREME.
I got so much sleep and naptime done last month and this month that I think I od'ed on unconsciousness. I got so tired of myself wasting away and not contributing to society that this Production Assistant job came at just the right time.
Now I talked the executive producer into working on something else for him.
It has to do with superheroes, so really? I'm as happy as a little gurrrl!
I cannot believe I get to work with a superhero character. I'm SO excited to try out all the story plots I've seen work in so many comics and film and tv and OMIGOD I'VE GOT TO DO AN EPISODE ABOUT _______!!! THAT'S GONNA BE FUCKING BOSS.
This was kinda thrown at me. And it is expected that my script will be cut to shreds by production so, that being the case, what do I have to lose by writing whatever story I like?
Oh and the show is... nevermind I'll write some dialouge and srping it on ya that way.
It's not it's design, which was at first basic and self-restrained. Has become malleable and complex (not quite as user friendly as they probably hoped it would be though). Not exactly a bad thing really.
I hate you facebook for making me think I can talk to my friends on the fly. I expect responsiveness akin to a chatroom or forum. I end up checking up on all updates and just sitting there waiting for responses. My wait made as well come in the form of sleep because only a handful will respond within a minute or 30 minute frame. And then I have to find where the update is. Photos? Groups? Some new game of vampires or Harry Potter that I don't have the patience to play? (The notifications have cleared this discrepancy up as of late)
I have the blog that I update so rarely, I have the twitter to keep up with the manic thoughts of Warren Ellis, and I have 456 unread e-mail messages. Keeping my facebook is more of a burden than ever.
I want to be a solid writer and facebook does not help in that respect as much as the rest do.
I did the 40th annual(? I don't know. it could be bi-annual) Dove Awards (think contemporary gospel awards show) for the Gospel Channel at the Grand Ole Opry. That was sweeeeeet and X-TREME.
I got so much sleep and naptime done last month and this month that I think I od'ed on unconsciousness. I got so tired of myself wasting away and not contributing to society that this Production Assistant job came at just the right time.
Now I talked the executive producer into working on something else for him.
It has to do with superheroes, so really? I'm as happy as a little gurrrl!
I cannot believe I get to work with a superhero character. I'm SO excited to try out all the story plots I've seen work in so many comics and film and tv and OMIGOD I'VE GOT TO DO AN EPISODE ABOUT _______!!! THAT'S GONNA BE FUCKING BOSS.
This was kinda thrown at me. And it is expected that my script will be cut to shreds by production so, that being the case, what do I have to lose by writing whatever story I like?
Oh and the show is... nevermind I'll write some dialouge and srping it on ya that way.
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