(Just look they were playing Outlaw Star and now they're giving me this Canadian show ReBoot)
Well I do want to become a better writer so my task today is to read. And not read comicbooks, (d'oh! My foolproof plan to read 15 comics sequentially at Borders is ruined!) but hardback ones. I'm talking about those clunky motherfuckers. The kind of books that could replace the yellow pages as the choice of torture weapon in a police station's interrogation room. The kind of book OLD people used to, and still can, read. The kind of book Oprah masterbates to. THAT book.
Well, not THAT book but I found one that has just as much width (mix that medium of measurement with that Oprah comment and a funny little picture will creep into your mind) as the dreaded book club book without the sass you intake from discussing it with friends and strangers at the mall. I'm talking about (has to look for the book to find the title) "Edgeworks 3 by Harlan Ellison". Yes, that Harlan Ellison. One of the most prolific, celebrated science fiction writers of the last 100 years. I knew a lot about him from Patton Oswalts pervasive rants. His name would fall out of Oswalt's mouth more than a few times. What struck me is how hard it was to actually find some stuff of his at a bookstore. Borders, Barnes & Nobles and Davis Kidd were bone dry of the stuff. It was only at libraries and the cartoonishly volumed Bookman & Bookwoman that I would find one book of his. Each time, a different one.
My local library had a Graphic Novel (SQUEEEEEEE) collection of some of his short stories with him walking in-between stories like a cross between Alfred Hitchcock, the Crpyt Keeper, and Robert Duvall (it fits. IT FITS I TELL YOU!).
My distant library in downtown Nashville had I believe one or was that Warren Ellis' "Crooked Little Vein" that I was so distracted by it opened up a portal in time for a samurai to pop out of. I named the samurai "Jack" for he had no name and I am black. I am black and call those who are unfamiliar to me "Jack" so as to label them in some fashion and keep a sense of civility up in the air.
I forget what book they had of his at Bookmanwoman but it wasn't the usually collection of short stories. When I have $8, I must remember to pay them a vis.
Most recently, my local classy library (it has glass ceilings and places to put your fedora and coat everything) perhaps listened to my written requests for A. The Wire in the DVD section (You have "Boys Don't Cry" the collectors edition and the latest season of "Cory In the House" and "Desperate Housewives" but no seasons of "the best show on television" by TIME magazine, Entertainment Weekly, The Chicago Tribune, Slate Mag, the San Francisco Chronicle, The Philadelphia Daily News, and the Gaurdian.

OH WAIT I'M SUPPOSE TO BE READING BOOKS. So yeah, I see two Harlan Ellison books. I grab the one that has "Harlan Ellison's Movie" as one of the stories. It was due yesterday afternoon before 5:30pm. I showed up to the library around 7:15pm, knockin' on doors and the like. I posted up in the parkin' lot with my trunk playing "Dr. Feelgood" and me reading the first 3 or 4 pages. Shit was so cash.
Hmm, it seems I have delinated my vocabulary onto an 4chan meme without any thought of it.
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