Friday, June 8, 2018

Oh by the by, I started a podcast a month ago.


Get ready for that next post that is an exact double of the one below

This is a long podcast episode. Cause I added my open mic set in the middle to make the post-game discussion make sense. It wasn't great but those jokes will hopefully be unrecognizable in a month or I'll never do them ever again anyways. 

I talk about not being sure if I got hit on today, androgyny, what I fap to, and I don't remember what else and I just kinda relistened to it. 

My favorite part is I recorded my walk in to the mic singing the Turkey Trot song and accidently recorded a series of conversations with comics that I'll never release cause it was against their knowledge and my own. Ha. Guess you had to be there.

Random thing: Tennessee hermit and artist Plague of Gripes is really neat and you can support his most baser needs with his patreon:
I should do that one day. Start a patreon, I mean. Yes, I should also be drawing porn, but that seems obvious to the point of not mentioning.

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