Friday, June 29, 2018

Andre Has 50 Minutes To Warm Up His Vocals ep 7

It is a ride around with my workmate and friend Anthony! We didn't get to go into the real shit of working at Belcourt and, in the before time, Regal Cinemas and note the differences. But this was more listener friendly and less shouty. He's only in it for a short while, so enjoy him while Anthony is there. The other part I wade into "talking with strangers" territory and then just remember I'm going to do commentary at a video game tourney about comic book characters so I come back down to earth, I hope.
Oh and I normalized the audio like I promised myself I would. Cause that is what I imagine I would complain about if I listen to this podcast.

Another one to add to the evidence file

Saturday, June 23, 2018

I Regret Not Organizing My Time Better Ep 6

I try to summarize my life, while throwing as few people under the bus as possible.
I have a pause in the show after I get done with work 13 hours later so my energy is different weirder in the second two thirds.

Another one to add to the evidence file

Friday, June 15, 2018

Andre, At Least Make The Attempt To Prepare ep 5

We talking spear-weilding women, getting addicted/attached to hanging out after a comedy show, and oh man, what was I talking about near the end?

I know I said something for twenty minutes! Uh, um, hi James, Zack and Holly, and sorry.

(I don't think I said anything controversial so I'm just not gonna check and push the publish button)

Oh that's right! I get a call during the podcast! That's the fun part!

Another one to add to the evidence file

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Don’t Stop Pressing that Button Dude Ep 3 part 2

After the "show", I have one drink. and it turns out one drink is all I need to let Andre the Ripper out of his cage. I may sing some near the end. Scratch that. I sing my ass off.

Another one to add to the evidence file

Don’t Stop Pressing that Button Dude ep 3 part 1

Before going to a comedy show, I decide to ramble about my self-destructive tendencies and money faults. Oh dear, what a drama!

Another one to add to the evidence file

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Press Record, Andre ep 2

May 24, 2018

Me and Zach talk butts and oh man, I don't really remember anything else. Anime, I think.

Go watch Keijo on Funimation or Crunchyroll!

Hi, third listener!

Another one to add to the evidence file

Friday, June 8, 2018

You Shoulda Press Play When You Had The Chance, Charles…er, Andre ep 4

This is a long podcast episode. Cause I added my open mic set in the middle to make the post-game discussion make sense. It wasn't great but those jokes will hopefully be unrecognizable in a month or I'll never do them ever again anyways. 

I talk about not being sure if I got hit on today, androgyny, what I fap to, and I don't remember what else and I just kinda relistened to it. 
My favorite part is I recorded my walk in to the mic singing the Turkey Trot song and accidently recorded a series of conversations with comics that I'll never release cause it was against their knowledge and my own. Ha. Guess you had to be there.
Random thing: Tennessee hermit and artist Plague of Gripes is really neat and you can support his most baser needs with his patreon:
I should do that one day. Start a patreon, I mean. Yes, I should also be drawing porn, but that seems obvious to the point of not mentioning.

Another one to add to the evidence file

Oh by the by, I started a podcast a month ago.


Get ready for that next post that is an exact double of the one below

This is a long podcast episode. Cause I added my open mic set in the middle to make the post-game discussion make sense. It wasn't great but those jokes will hopefully be unrecognizable in a month or I'll never do them ever again anyways. 

I talk about not being sure if I got hit on today, androgyny, what I fap to, and I don't remember what else and I just kinda relistened to it. 

My favorite part is I recorded my walk in to the mic singing the Turkey Trot song and accidently recorded a series of conversations with comics that I'll never release cause it was against their knowledge and my own. Ha. Guess you had to be there.

Random thing: Tennessee hermit and artist Plague of Gripes is really neat and you can support his most baser needs with his patreon:
I should do that one day. Start a patreon, I mean. Yes, I should also be drawing porn, but that seems obvious to the point of not mentioning.