Thursday, February 14, 2019

Bonus Ep: Special Guesty Miss Ronnit!


October 25th, I went to see a movie about Gilda Radnor called "Love, Gilda" for the Jewish Film Festival with my friend Ronnit. She is a funny, wild, Israeli comic with a penchant for seizing the moment.

I have a 2nd part to this convo after the movie but also after an open mic run by the ineffable Matt Boyd at Turn One Bar. She has it in her phone and there it will remain till I can get a hold of it and teach it to upload to my Google drive account

Welp hopefully y'all will have a nice time with this chat

I haven't hears it in months but DAMN that is a long intro!

To skip to Ronnit, go to 34 minutes in, there abouts.

Another one to add to the evidence file

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